Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fire Tornado

Behold the awesome spectacle and power of fire and wind! Ok, that was probably unnecessary but a fire tornado is still pretty cool and it echoes the title of the article I found this in. The video below has a few seconds of footage of one of these rare occurrences. Here is the article link where I found the video.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Awesome Burgers

So eating one of these might not be healthy, but it might just be really yummy! I read this piece about burger wars heating up. They talked about a Krispy Kreme Burger!!! I thought that it sounded interesting but I can't quite wrap my mind around it.
They also mentioned that Five Guys Burgers & Fries were on the rise and there was one of these near where I used to live and I never went, I guess I will have to make a special trip.
Here in Seattle there are a few places with burger reputations but I haven't been to them so I will just pass on the names - Redmill, Lunchbox Laboratory(their old website was much more fun and informative) and The Counter!
I know there are more in Seattle, let alone anywhere but

Friday, August 13, 2010

Meal in a can! Candwich, perhaps?

I watched this video today and had to share it! It is about a fellow who had the idea of putting a sandwich inside a can and then whenever the can was opened there would be a fresh sandwich ready to be eaten, pretty great idea, huh?

After a little more research I found out that this product is held up in some legal proceedings but I think it will be interesting. Now, how about a pancake in a can?

Back to the Candwich for a moment, here is a print article about the product just like the picture at the top of the page.

Berlitz Commercials

A group member of mine in one of my classes came across this first video, which is a commercial for Berlitz language courses and I thought it was so funny! I have found a few others also and posted them here too! Enjoy!