Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ketchup Bottle Analogy

OK, this morning I wasn't really thinking of anything for the Mullet of Blogs but I read a brief article about how we are expecting near record high temps for the next few days here in Seattle. I understand the rest of the country is always in a heatwave during the summer and we have been (possibly) misguidedly unhappy with our cool temps so far. Anyway, here is the important part of the post. The writer used an awesome analogy, when I say it is awesome, I mean that it is creative, inventive, a bit abnormal, but pretty much an awesome analogy.

Here it is, the first couple paragraphs of the article and the article link is above:

"Ever tried to use a bottle of ketchup on, say, a hot dog, and you mightily whack, shake and jiggle the bottle but no matter what you do, that ketchup won't budge -- until several moments later it finally does let loose and you get a massive blob of ketchup that spills all over everything?

Picture that ketchup as this year's missing warmth -- bottled up in May and June (and early July) to where we've seen just 11 days at 70 or warmer and just one "warm" day at 77 degrees.

But it seems after weeks and weeks of rattling, the warmth is finally going to be unleashed in one big goop of hot air."

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