Monday, June 7, 2010

Remix crazy

So. Listening, as always (must endure workplace and wheezy whiny seatmate) to streaming dance music. Currently playing: a remix of the Cranberries "Zombie".

Now, you have to know that I had a whole period in middle school where I was really obsessed with the IRA. Not necessarily in a "I need to support this violence" way, but in a "this is fascinating and these are kind of my people and ooh, political and ethnic conflict, I want to understand". I read a lot of enormously thick books (many of which, looking back, were intensely partisan, ha, Tim Pat Coogan) and did a report for a social studies class that was about twice the necessary length.

So the song is about IRA/Northern Ireland conflict and violence, and is really a lament.  I listened to it constantly for months--I'm not sure I could even name another song on that album.  I found a dance/techno remix.  Then I looked up "Cranberries Zombie remix" on youtube and discovered that not only are there several remixes, a couple seem to take the song at an Amelia Bedelia level of literal.   

This one features xkcd-esque stick figures and a zombie kitten, and is possibly the most sophisticated of the ones I checked out: 


Now the original is a bit abstract (gold egyptian Dolores?) but it's clearly angsty and not rotting flesh-y (VEVO link so there might be an ad, sorry):


I don't necessarily find this inappropriate, but it's weird.  Creative transformation, it's everywhere, and sometimes disconcerting. 

 I'm a little afraid to go look for remixes of "Sunday Bloody Sunday".

...Oh man.  Some people are seriously dedicated.  George Bush "sings" it: 



1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm in awe of the Bush sings Sunday Bloody Sunday. People have time on their hands!
