Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Plantorama, part 1

I'm going to try posting on a theme, and it's even timely: plants. It's spring. Things are growing. I have nothing mullet-y to say about healthcare reform (yea healthcare!!), so, plants.

I was going to start out with KILLER PLANTS (from and not from outer space), but that requires more research.

So, possibly the most famous novelty plant in the world: Chia Pets.

Oh, Chia Corporation, what have you wrought?

I was going to feature a "classic chia", but they have a SpongeBob SquarePants version.

You can see the commercial here.

Many chia options exist, allowing the discerning collector to, well, fill up a lot of shelves with terracotta and green fuzz.

Some highlights:
Chia Obama (has its/his own website! also, part of a series of "Proud to be American" chias.
Chia Professor (was Chia Einstein too specific?)
Chia Crocodile (original series!)

It's not really made by the Chia Corporation (unfortunately), but by Joseph Enterprises, maker of the Clapper.

The first Chia Pet was the Ram (not the first animal I would think of as a great pet, but to each his own) and came out in 1982.
On a competing blog site someone is running a Chia Pet Rescue effort. I urge you all to consider becoming involved in this important cause.
Apparently, the "chia seed" is nutritionally rich and could solve various and sundry health problems, according to the internets: http://www.living-foods.com/articles/chia.html

Warning: your milage may vary.

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