Friday, March 26, 2010

Record Plants

A killer tomato chasing you, fuggedaboudit! It is apparent to me that yesterday's post cannot be outdone but in continuing the theme of the week of plants in general but AWESOME plants in particular, I have a few random things to add.

Here are a few botanic world records according to Guinness World Records:
Heaviest Apple - 4 lbs, 1 oz.
Heaviest Lemon - 11lbs, 9.7 oz
Clover with most leaves - 18 leaves

The tallest tree in the world (also the tallest plant) is the Coast Redwood which can grow to over 370 feet tall. Here is a picture of one, seeing the total height would not help like seeing a person at the base does.

The largest tree in the world is actually a Giant Sequoia named General Sherman in Sequoia National Park in California. It is 275 feet tall but is larger than the largest Coast Redwood.
The largest individual flower is that of the Rafflesia arnoldii, which grows on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. This flower can grow more than 3 feet across and weigh over 20 lbs as seen below.
The largest organism on the planet can also arguably be a plant. A stand of aspen trees in Utah named Pando share a common root structure and are genetically identitical. This stand of aspen trees covers 107 acres and is estimated to weigh over 6000 tons.

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